President's message to all Lake Associations
Since Governor Walker signed Senate Bill 472 into law as Wisconsin Act 170, effective April 17, 2012, county zoning has been thwarted. According to State Staff Attorney, Margit Kelley, “the Act specifies that a county, city, or village cannot enforce a shoreland zoning ordinance that is more restrictive than the Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) regulation of the location, maintenance, expansion, replacement, repair, or relocation of a nonconforming structure in a shoreland zone. Likewise, a county, city, or village regulation of construction on substandard lots in a shoreland zone cannot be more restrictive than DNR’s shoreland zoning standards for substandard lots.” This seemingly eviscerates home rule and Sawyer County’s Shoreland Ordinance that our Forum has worked to create over past years. Dale Olson, our Land & Water Conservationist and Zoning Administrator, says that the work done by Jay Kozlowski to understand and cope with the new specifications is viewed by surrounding counties as “leading the way” in coping with these redactive standards. With a looming recall vote and possible ameliorations, this issue may suddenly change in the near future. Each one of us could contact the Governor (ph. 608-266-1212 FAX 608-267-8983 or to take action to reverse this onerous emulous enactment.
The May 19th Spring Meeting of the Sawyer County Lakes Forum replaced the By-laws section requiring both a spring and an annual (fall) meeting with the requisite of only one annual meeting. The board regularly meets quarterly and additional meetings, if needed, may be called by the president. Additional meetings of the entire Forum may be called by the board. This change comes from a concern that our spring meeting may be too early for some who have not yet returned to the lake and that our fall meeting may come too late to present concerns that need to be addressed earlier. So rather than diffusing our efforts we plan to have a singular Forum Annual Meeting as of 2013.
At our Forum Meeting Jim Brakken offered to write a grant proposal, and to collect and edit materials for a pocket sized Lakeside Logic Handbook. This would be a consolidated waterfront educational guide particularly helpful in giving new property owners insight, rules and regulations for living by a lake. Jim is also author of the newly published book, The Treasure of Namakagon. He is willing to donate $3 of each sale to the Forum, and he is willing to speak to Lake Associations and offer them the same deal (that being a money raising opportunity for us). LaMoine MacLaughlin, President of Wisconsin Writers Association, says, “Open with caution. You won’t want to put this one down.” I think this adventure vivifies the life my grandfather experienced when he first came here from Norway in the 1880’s. To share such lumberjack life, contact Jim at (715) 798-3163.
The Sawyer County Lakes Forum is committed to maintaining communication with lake associations, their newsletter editors and board officers as well as through articles published in the Sawyer County Record. Martin Hanson, our webmaster, is a member of the Round Lake Property Owners Association and numerous professional engineering organizations. He is the current webmaster for several professional organizations and other non-profit organizations. The Forum is pleased to have his ability and services. He will regularly update information from the Forum and other sources. SCLF will appreciate your ideas for action, suggestions for programs, requests for assistance and information, and comments as to what is happening on your lake or river.
If you have questions or requests please contact Waldo Asp, president 354-7450; Mary Ann Churchill, or Martin Hanson Webmaster
Waldo Asp
Sawyer County Lakes Forum